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ESP8266 Weather Measurement Set - Disassembled Temperature Humidity and Pressure Meter

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Brand: Motorobit
Product Code: EKT.ELK.01.000022
592.00 TL + VAT
VAT Included: 710.40 TL

ESP8266 Weather Meter Set - Disassembled Temperature Humidity and Pressure Meter

The weather station uses the ESP8266 to retrieve data from the Internet: a The city's time, weather data and forecast information for the next 3 days are displayed on the OLED screen. The device can switch to display data from any city in the world - you can view the weather in the city of your choice. 
The device is used to collect temperature, humidity, Atmospheric Pressure and light data. Uses DHT11, BMP180,BH1750FVI sensors. The weather station reads indoor data via the sensor every 5 seconds and uploads it to the Internet every 60 seconds. You can see real-time data charts from your phone or computer. Of course, you can modify the code to implement different functions.
ESP8266: CP2102 chip inside, Micro USB, Wireless 802.11 supported with 4MB flash, full I/O port and IoT platform.
DHT11 Sensor: A digital signal output with a calibrated temperature and humidity combined sensor. Simple communication protocol greatly reduces the required programming effort.
BMP180: High precision, small size , ultra-low power 3μA pressure sensor. Performance perfection, the absolute accuracy of the lowest value can reach 0.03hPa. It can be directly via the I2C bus connected to various microprocessors. Pressure range: 300 ~ 1100hPa.
BH1750FVI: Digital Light intensity Sensor. Direct digital output, complex calculation skipped, no calibration.
You can get Results
  • Get weather data at regular intervals from OpenWeathermap, showing today's weather and the weather forecast for the next 3 days in any city in the world.
  • Read current temperature, humidity data at regular intervals
  • Regular reading of atmospheric pressure, light intensity data
  • Upload temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure and intensity of illumination data to at regular intervals
  • View the weather forecast on the OLED screen and view the environmental monitoring chart on

Setup Steps

  1. Install IDE for ESP8266
  2. Writing Firmware on ESP8266
  3. Connecting Components
  4. Sign up for OpenWeathermap, create new account with thingspeak
  5. Import WeatherStation code into IDE
  6. Add Library
  7. Replace WeatherStation.ino File
  8. Reset Board and Port
  9. Write the code to ESP8266

    Package Content

    1 x ESP8266
    1 x DHT11
    1 x BMP180
    1 x BH1750FVI
    1 x OLED Display
    1 x USB Cable
    2 x Breadboard
    20 x Jumper Cable
    Note: For the DIY kit, the user needs to have basic knowledge of electronics, please make sure it can be used before purchasing.