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What is a Voltage Regulator? How does it work

Voltage regulator is the general name for products that change input voltage to desired output voltage. In our blog post, we will generally discuss the working principle of voltage regulators, their types, and how to choose the appropriate voltage regulator.

What is a Voltage Regulator

A voltage regulator is a product that adjusts the input voltage value to desired output voltage values. The Turkish equivalent of the word "regulator" is "düzenleyici", which means it regulates voltage. These products can perform the mentioned operations within their capacities. There are hundreds of integrated circuits that regulate voltage, such as LM2596, LM317, etc. Each integrated circuit can operate within certain voltage ranges and up to certain current values. These values are written in the descriptions of the products we sell. Another important point is to select the correct regulator type, which we will discuss in detail in the following section.

Types of Regulators

The types of regulators vary depending on what is desired to be done with the input voltage. The main types are:
  • Step Down Voltage Regulator
  • Step Up Voltage Regulator (Booster)
  • Voltage Stabilizer
  • Models that adjust current.
Step-Up voltage regulators increase a certain input voltage to their own values. For example, if we want to convert energy from a 12V DC source to 24V DC, we need to use a booster. Unless otherwise stated, regulator modules are generally either boosters or step-down regulators. Models that can perform both operations are also available, of course. However, unless otherwise stated, models with only one integrated circuit usually perform only one operation. A booster will never output a lower voltage than the input voltage.

Voltage Regulator Selection

The main thing to consider when selecting a product is what we want to do. Do we want to increase or decrease the voltage? Or do we want to keep it stable? Accordingly, we will need to make a choice.
The second important point to consider is the current limit. The current value that the device connected to the output of the voltage regulator will draw is important. This current value should not exceed the current value of the regulator we are using. In this case, the regulator heats up and fails within a short time. To prevent this, a regulator with a higher current rating should be selected.
We would be happy to assist you in selecting the product! To find the voltage regulator that suits you, you can visit our voltage regulator cards category, or you can also email us at for assistance.