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What is Mosfet? What are the types?

MOSFETs rank among the most widely used and preferred circuit components. You can find MOSFETs in the majority of electronic products. Have you ever wondered what this circuit component found inside devices is, what it does, its usage areas, and its types? In this blog post, we will answer these questions for you in the simplest way.

What is a MOSFET?

A MOSFET, in short, is a metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor. It is extensively used in electronic circuits for switching purposes and power balancing. While standard MOSFETs function like transistors, power MOSFETs, aside from these, enable high-level power control.
Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor is abbreviated to MOSFET. Its Turkish equivalent is metal oksit yarı iletkenli alan etki transistörü.

Types of MOSFETs

MOSFETs are classified into two types based on their polarities: P-channel and N-channel MOSFETs.
They are also divided into two types based on their operation principles: Depletion and Enhancement mode MOSFETs. The differences between these different types of MOSFETs are as follows:
  • In N-channel Depletion MOSFETs, current flows from Drain to Source.
  • In P-channel Depletion MOSFETs, current flows from Source to Drain.
  • In N-type Enhancement MOSFETs, when a positive voltage is applied to the Gate terminal, negative (-) charged electrons gather between the two N-type materials, and current flows.
  • In P-type Enhancement MOSFETs, when a negative voltage is applied to the Gate terminal, positive (+) charged electrons gather between the two P-type materials, and current flows.


MOSFET prices vary widely depending on the voltage and current capacity of the product. You can find MOSFETs ranging from a few TL to hundreds of TL. You can find over 100 product types in our mosfet category on our website.