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What is Reed Relay? Working Principle and Areas of Use

When it comes to the category of products associated with relays, one of our favorites is the Reed Relay! Undoubtedly, relays are among the greatest blessings that technology has bestowed upon us. Those who deal with electrical-electronic projects and manufacturing are well aware of this fact. :) Relays are further categorized based on their intended use, triggering methods, and electrical characteristics. In this article, we will discuss a special component with a unique triggering mechanism.

What is a Reed Relay

A Reed relay is a type of relay triggered by exposure to a magnetic field. It consists of two contacts housed within a gas-filled tube. When a magnet is brought near or exposed to a magnetic field, it gets triggered. Alternatively, applying electricity to a conducting wire wound around the outside of the device can also create a magnetic effect and trigger it.
This miraculous product, developed by Bell Laboratories in 1936, is most commonly used in security systems. It is a preferred type of relay in burglar alarm systems. However, the limits of where you can use it are only constrained by your imagination. If you want something to work or close with a magnetic effect in your project, then this product is perfect for you.

Working Principle

The following gif animation beautifully illustrates the working principle of a reed relay. Normally, the product has an open circuit, and power is supplied to it through a power source. However, since the circuit is open, there is no flow of electricity. When a magnet is brought close, it closes the circuit contact, completing the circuit. Thus, electrical conduction is established.
Reed relay types can be diversified into single contact, double contact, normally open, or normally closed configurations. You can find all types at the most affordable prices and highest quality in our reed relay category.