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What Is Renewable Energy?


Renewable energy is a type of energy obtained from natural sources. Currently, about 80% of the world's energy is derived from fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Energy obtained from these sources causes environmental damage due to high carbon emissions. In order for the world to become a more livable place in the future, it is necessary to shift from such harmful energy sources to renewable energy sources.

What Are Renewable Energy Sources?

• Solar Energy
• Wind Energy
• Biomass Energy
• Geothermal Energy
• Hydroelectric Energy
• Hydrogen Energy
• Wave Energy

Solar Energy:

 Solar energy is the generation of heat, light, or electricity from the sun. It is widely used today to produce hot water on the roofs of houses. This hot water can also be circulated in channels for home heating. Additionally, there are many mini solar panel varieties that students can use in their projects. With these panels, projects such as solar-powered cars and phone chargers can be created using solar energy. 

Wind Energy:

 Wind turbines installed in regions where winds are strong convert the kinetic energy obtained from the wind into mechanical energy and then into electrical energy. This energy obtained is called wind energy. To understand the logic of generating electricity from wind energy, you can examine this product.

Bioenergy / Biomass Energy:

Special crops such as corn, wheat, herbs, seaweed, algae in the sea, animal dung, manure, and industrial waste, as well as all organic waste thrown away from homes (fruit and vegetable scraps), constitute a source.

Geothermal Energy:

Energy sources obtained from hot water and steam underground.

Hydroelectric Energy:

Energy obtained by utilizing the kinetic energy of flowing water.

Wave / Ocean Energy:

Energy can be generated from waves using turbines installed along coastlines. Electricity is generated by the rotation of the turbines by the waves.
Actually, in most energy productions, mechanical movement is converted into electrical energy. This mechanical energy is obtained not only with manual labor but also with natural forces such as water, waves, steam, or wind. To see how mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy, you can examine this product. 

Piezoelectric Material:

Materials that produce electricity under pressure and force are called piezoelectric materials. Although not well known, the use of these materials is rapidly becoming widespread. You can create many projects using piezo disks with piezoelectric technology. Many projects, such as charging phones by walking or generating electricity from the movement of passing vehicles and people, are made using piezo disks.
To understand energy conversions and some types of renewable energy, you can examine our renewable energy set that we have created.