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What is Robotic Coding?

What is Robotic Coding?

Before answering the question of what robotic coding is, it is necessary to explain the concepts of Robotics and Robot. 

What is a Robot?

A Robot is a programmable machine whose program can be modified later. It can collect data from its surroundings via sensors and provide outputs based on the collected data.

What is Robotics?

Robotics is the field that enables machines to have artificial intelligence through electronic components and software. It encompasses all processes related to this.

Robotic Coding Education

Robotic coding is a rapidly developing field worldwide and in our country. Robotic coding education has reached almost the elementary school level. The rapid advancement of technology today and the transition to the Industry 4.0 era increasingly amplify the impact of these developments. There are many Robotic Education courses available in Turkey. Especially those who are new to these trainings start with mBot educational robots or Arduino Starter Kits. 
mBot Robot
With these products, you can have a robot that you can control remotely, escape obstacles, or follow lines, and develop many projects with Arduino.