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XH-M608 Battery Battery Charge - Discharge Circuit

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Brand: Motorobit
Product Code: LIP.BLS.01.000025
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296.00 TL + VAT
VAT Included: 355.20 TL

XH-M608 Battery Charge - Discharge Circuit

XH-M608 Battery Charge - Discharge Circuit allows you to charge your rechargeable products (battery, accumulator, etc.) in a protected way. It is a relay circuit that allows This product has many functions that allow you to protect your battery by closing the relay on it when the volt values ​​determined by entering the upper and lower voltage values ​​are exceeded. The relay on it provides resistance to 30VDC 10A dc voltage and 250VAC 10A ac voltage.
You can easily switch between functions with the SET, +, - buttons on the circuit. The product can also be used as a voltage meter and voltmeter. Circuit supply voltage is between 6-40VDC.

Product Modes:

  • There are U, P, C and F modes within the P0 mode.
  • U: When U mode is selected, the product can be used as a voltmeter. V The voltage value entered from the test leads can be displayed directly on the screen on the panel.
  • P: Charging with Lower and Upper Voltage value protection
  • C: Charging mode for the specified time
  • F: Discharge mode for the specified time
  • P1: Lower voltage value
  • P2: Upper voltage value
  • P3: Charging or discharging time

Supply Limits

  • For 6V: 6-7.2V
  • For 12V: 12-14.4V
  • For 24V: 24-28.8V
  • For 36V: 36-46.8V
VHM-008 Battery Battery Charge - Discharge Circuit VHM-008 Pil Akü Şarj - Deşarj Devresi
VHM-008 Battery Battery Charge - Discharge Circuit