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CJMCU-3935 AS3935 SPI I2C Lightning Sensor

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Brand: Motorobit
Product Code: SNS.DGR.01.000023
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1,295.00 TL + VAT
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CJMCU-3935 AS3935 SPI I2C Lightning Sensor

CJMCU-3935 AS3935 SPI I2C Lightning Sensor is a device that detects the presence and approach of potentially hazardous flash activity in the vicinity and determines the distance to the peak of the storm. It is a programmable fully integrated flash sensor IC that provides a flash sensor 
AS3935 can be programmed with 4-wire standard SPI or I2C. It is also possible to choose from four different addresses if the second one is selected. Two clocks are generated internally by two different RC-Oscillators: TRCO and SRCO. An automated procedure could increase the sensitivity of these oscillators. The AS3935 can be powered by an internal voltage regulator or directly by the VDD.


  • Flash sensor, flash storm within a radius of 40 km warns about activity
  • Supply Voltage Range: 2.4 - 5.5V
  • SPI and I2C interface are used for control and register reading.
  • Shutdown, listening and active mode
  • Detects both cloud-to-ground and intra-cloud (cloud-to-cloud) flashes
  • Uses : AS3935, Weather Stations, Clocks, Sports Equipment, portables, Pool Security, Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Ideal for Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Cell Phones, Watches and Golf Equipment.