CJMCU-608 ATECC608A Random Number Generator RNG Module
CJMCU-608 is an rng (random number generator) module that can generate 16-digit random numbers. IoT end Applicable to key management and exchange of hotspots, encrypted small messages and PI data, secure boot and protection download and ecosystem control, anti-cloning and other fields.
Product Parameters:
- ECDSA: FIPS186-3 elliptic curve digital signature
- ECDH: FIPS SP800-56A elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman
- Curve support: NIST standard P256 elliptic curve
- Random number generator (RNG): high quality FIPS 800-90 A/B/C
- IIC interface: 1MHz standard
- IO port level: 1.8-5.5V
- Power supply voltage: 25.5V
- Sleep current: <150nA