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Pololu 0.6 Inch Force Sensing Circular Sensor - Short

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Show More: Force / Vibration
Brand: Pololu
Product Code: SNS.KVT.01.000005
312.00 TL + VAT
VAT Included: 374.40 TL

Pololu 0.6 Inch Force Sensing Circular Sensor - Short

This force sensing resistor (FSR) from Interlink Electronics is a passive component that works as a variable force and resistance decreases in response to increased force, making it easy to add a touch interface to your project or create a robot with much more sophisticated tactile senses than is possible with simple switches.
The polymer is thick film (PTF) device is optimized for use in human touch control of electronic devices and can detect an applied force anywhere from a few dozen grams to several kilograms (0.2 N to 20 N) in the active area.
The resistor range is well suited to working directly with the internal attractors of many microcontrollers such as AVRs and PICs. The FSR is sensitive enough to noticeably pick up light and quick finger touches. 
The 0.72″ diameter circular pad is flexible, lightweight (0.25 g) and very It is thin (0.02") and has a circular active sensing area with a diameter of 0.58". The two male pins (called “solder tabs”) are 0.1″ apart, which is compatible with most breadboards and perfboards, although the solder tabs are too short to work well with many 0.1 ectors connectors.
Note that the Force Sensitive Circular Sensor is not a load cell or strain indicator and is not suitable for precise force measurements, although only qualitative results can generally be obtained with force accuracy of 5% to 25% depending on various factors. varies between.

Application Areas

  • Pressure sensitive touch user interface
  • Tactile sensor for robot attachments
  • Special gloves 