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RepRap Ramps 1.4 3D Printer Control Card

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Brand: Motorobit
Product Code: 3DP.3DE.01.000007
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157.25 TL + VAT
VAT Included: 188.70 TL

RepRap Ramps 1.4 3D Printer Control Card 

Ramps is a driver board designed for 3D printer based on the platform (firmware) Repap. You can use it not only to drive four stepper motors, but also as a platform on which you can design many types of machines such as CNC and 3D printers. Extruder, Fans, Temperature Sensors and SD cards can also be connected to this card and used. It is designed to fit all the electronic hardware needed for a RepRap into a small package at low cost. 
RAMPS uses an Arduino Mega interface with its powerful platform and has plenty of room for expansion. You can use it as a shield by placing it on Arduino Mega. You can control stepper drivers and extruders on Arduino Mega. Additionally, a number of Arduino expansion boards can be added to the system as long as the main RAMPS board is kept on top of the stack. You can drive a stepper motor by installing 5 A4988s.
  • Extensible to control the Cartesian structure and extruder  infrastructure,
  • 3 Mosfet Outputs with Heater and Fan Control,
  • 3 Thermistor Outputs
  • 5A fuse for additional security and component protection
  • 11A fuse for heat plate
  • 5 A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Connection location
  • Drivers can be easily installed and removed thanks to the female headers.
  • I2C and SPI pins left for expansion
  • All MOSFETs are connected to PWM outputs for versatile use.
  • There are male headers for limit switch, motor and LED connections.
  • There is no internal SD card slot on the floor, but you can connect it with an SD card module.
  • It gives a warning when the heater outputs are activated with LEDs