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You can test your servo motors without the need for additional circuits and software.
It offers high quality control.
Easy installation and use
It is an ideal module for CCPM applications.
It is a widely used card for the safe flight of your aircraft projects. . It offers the opportunity to test your servo motors and ESCs without flying. Thus, it allows you to have a safer and more controlled flight. There are 3 different modes for you to test your servos and ESCs:
Manual Mode: Manual Is controlled. The reaction times of the servo motors are tested by turning the knob at different speeds.
Neutral Mode: It is the repositioning of the servo to its starting position (neutral point).
Automatic Mode: It is to control the servo by operating it at the widest angles. It can be thought of as the way glass wipers work.
The above-mentioned testing modes are controlled by the potentiometer on the card, as deemed appropriate.