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Arduino Nano CH340 Chip Clone - Type C

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Brand: Motorobit
Product Code: ARD.KAM.01.000016
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175.50 TL + VAT
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Arduino Nano CH340 Chip Clone - Type C

Arduino NANO V3 is based on a 32kB Atmega328P-AU with 16MHz and a USB-C port. The difference between this product and the original Arduino Nano product is that it has a CH340 USB Serial Converter IC.
Arduino Nano is smaller in size than Uno and can run the same software. Unlike the Uno model, it does not have a power jack input.
CH340 Since a USB-Serial converter is used, you need to install a driver if you are using Windows 7 and Mac OS X. No drivers are required for Linux, Windows 8 and above.

What is Arduino?

Arduino has easy-to-use hardware and software. It is an open source electronic platform based on Arduino cards receive and process the signal from sensors, buttons, or any product that gives a signal, and perform the operations you want to do in line with this signal. For example, you can turn on an LED by pressing a button, and you can adjust the direction and speed of your motor with the help of a motor driver. You can make remote controlled vehicles or robots with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi control. With the help of the relay, you can create many projects that can be turned on and off with your commands.

Technical Specifications

    • Digital I / O: 14 pcs pin holes (6 PWM Supported)
    • Analog I/O: 8 pin holes
    • DC Current I/O Pins: 40mA
    • Input Voltage: DC 7V ~ 12V (Recommended)
    • Input Voltage: 6V-20V (Limits)
    • Operating Voltage (Logic): 5V
    • Atmel Atmega328 microprocessor controller
    • Flash Memory: 32KB
    • SRAM: 2KB (ATmega328)
    • EEPROM: 1KB (ATmega328)
    • Operating Frequency: 16MHz

Arduino Nano Pins

 Arduino Nano Pins