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MKS Gen V1.2 3D Printer Control Card

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Brand: Motorobit
Product Code: 3DP.3DE.01.000004
1,170.00 TL + VAT
VAT Included: 1,404.00 TL

MKS Gen V1.2 3D Printer Control Card


MKS Gen has a developer-friendly development port with the same connections as Ramps 1.4. It is a rich all-in-one electronics solution for Reprap and other CNC devices. It has ATmega2560 microcontroller. You can easily connect your motor drivers with A4988 and DRV8825 with their pin compatible connectors. MKS Gen is designed to be flexible in user power supply availability, allowing any power supply from 12V-24V.

Arduino is compatible with MEGA compatible Atmega2560 and FT232 processors and all RAMPS class firmware and RAMPS firmware.
Easy display and sd There are connectors suitable for card connection and headers compatible with RepRapDiscount SmartController. There are extra pins for AUX-1, AUX-2, AUX-3, Servos1, same as Ramps 1.4. 3 thermistors can be connected with ADC connectors.
There is support for 5 stepper motor drivers and you can make microstep adjustments with the adjustment switches. Plate, Extruder0, Extruder1 and Fan connections can be made with 4 PWM-enabled power MOSFET outputs. 6 limit switch connections can be made (Xmin/Xmax/Ymin/Ymax/Zmin/Zmax).
There are 3 5V and 3 12-24V power outputs.
Heat dissipation is optimized thanks to the 4-layer printed circuit. . It has a resettable fuse against short circuit.

MKS Gen V1.2 3D Printer Control Card Connections

3D Printer MKS Gen Connections