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Hantek DSO5102B 100 Mhz 2 Channel Oscilloscope

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Brand: Motorobit
Product Code: OTA.OSI.01.000007
15,600.00 TL + VAT
VAT Included: 18,720.00 TL

Hantek DSO5102B Features

Bandwidth: 100MHz
Real-time Sampling Rate: 1GSa/s
Equivalent Sampling Rate: 25GSa/s
Record Length (Sample Points):
Single channel: Maximum 1M
Dual channel: Maximum 512K (4K, 16K, 40K optional)
SEC/DIV Range: 4nS/div-40S/div (2, 4, 8 sequence)
Delay Time Accuracy: 500ps
A/D Converter: 8-bit resolution, sampled simultaneously on each channel
VOLTS/DIV Range: 2mV/div ~ 5V/div at BNC input
Position Range: ±50V (5V/div), ±40V (2V/div ~ 500mV/div), ±2V (200mV/div ~ 50mV/div), ±400mV (20mV/div ~ 2mV/div)
Bandwidth Limit: 20MHz
Rise Time at BNC: ≤3.5ns
DC Gain Accuracy:
±%4 for Sample or Average acquisition mode, 5mV/div to 2mV/div
±%3 for Sample or Average acquisition mode, 5V/div to 10mV/div
Trigger Sensitivity (Edge Trigger Type):
DC: CH1/CH2 (Typical) 1 division from DC to 10MHz, 1.5 divisions from 10MHz to Full
EXT (Typical): 200mV from DC to 40MHz
EXT/5 (Typical): 1V from DC to 40MHz
AC: Attenuates signals below 10Hz
HF Rejection: Attenuates signals above 80kHz
LF Rejection: Attenuates signals below 150kHz
Noise Rejection: Reduces trigger sensitivity
Trigger Level Range:
CH1, CH2: ±8 divisions from screen center
EXT: ±1.2V EXT/5: ±6V
Trigger Level Accuracy, Typical (Accuracy for signals with rise and fall times ≥20ns):
CH1, CH2: ±(0.3div × V/div) within ±4 divisions from screen center
EXT: ±(6% of setting + 40mV)
EXT/5: ±(6% of setting + 200mV)
Trigger Type
Edge: Trigger on the rising or falling edge
Pulse Width:
Trigger on positive or negative pulses (when >, <, =, ≠)
Pulse Width Range: 20ns-10s
Trigger on NTSC, PAL, or SECAM standard video signal
Line Range: 1-525 (NTSC), 1-625 (PAL/SECAM)
Trigger (when >, <, =, ≠) on positive or negative slope
Clock Setting: 20ns – 10s
From the rising or falling edge
Set Time: 20-10s
Alternate: Internal trigger on edge, pulse width, video, or slope
Manual: Difference between voltage cursors; difference between time cursors; Hz.
Track: Voltage and time at a point on the waveform
Auto: Pk-Pk, Max, Min, Average, Cyc RMS, Frequency, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, Positive Width, Negative Width
Display Type: Right-angle 7" TFT 16-digit color LCD
Display Resolution: 800 x 480 dots
Display Contrast: 16 levels with progress bar to show adjustment
Interface: USB host and USB slave
Power Supply Options:
100-120VAC RMS (±%10), 45Hz to 440Hz, CAT II
120-240VAC RMS (±%10), 45Hz to 66Hz, CAT II
Power: <30W
Fuse: 2A, T rated, 250V
Dimensions: Length: 313mm Width: 108mm Height: 142mm
Weight: 2.08kg, 4.5 lbs.