DC 6.5-55V 30A PWM Motor Speed Control Circuit
DC 6.5-55V 30A PWM Motor Speed Control Circuit. With the remote controlled motor speed control circuit, you can control the speed of your motors. You can set the operating time, off-time, on-off cycle. You can view and change the engine speed and remaining on-off time on the screen. It has 9 functions.
Functions are listed in the menu as 1-2-3-4-5. It appears as -6-7-8-9.
- Operating Voltage: 6.5 - 55VDC (It is recommended to provide voltage according to the needs of the motor you will use .)
- Instantaneous Current: 30A
- Continuous Current: ≤20A
- Motor Speed Adjustment: 0-100%
- Control Frequency: 15KHz
- Module Size: 116mmx76mmx30mm
- Battery of Remote Control: CR2032 (Battery included)
- Slow Start Function (1)
- It is a slow start function that can be set between 000 - 100.
- It can be set between 0 - 10s. (Default is 1 second.)
- Slow Stop Function (2)
- It is a slow stop function that can be adjusted between 000 - 100.
- It can be adjusted between 0 - 10s. (Default is 1 second.)
- Speed Lower Limit Function (3)
- It is the function of setting the minimum speed that can be reduced.
- It can be adjusted between 0-80%. (Default 0% is.)
- It must be less than the maximum speed value.
- Speed Upper Limit Function (4)
- It is the function of adjusting the maximum speed that can be increased. .
- Can be adjusted between 0-100%. (Default is 100%.)
- Must be more than the minimum speed value.
- Engine Speed Increase/Decrease Percentage Adjustment (5)
- This is the function of setting the percentage increase or decrease when increasing or decreasing the engine speed.
- Percentage adjustment between 1-25% can be made.
- Engine Running Time Function (6)
- It is the function of adjusting the engine running time.
- It can be adjusted between 1s and 99h-99min-99s.
- Engine Off Time Function (7)
- It is the function of setting how long the engine will remain off after the operating time.
- 1s to 99h-99min. It can be adjusted between -99s.
- Setting the On-Off Cycle of the Engine (8)
- This is the function where you can adjust the on-off cycle of the engine.
- Can be set from 1 to 999 times. (Default is 999 times.)
- Time Setting On/Off Function (9)
- This is the time setting on/off function.
- You can set the time setting to "1" to turn it on and "0" to turn it off.