F5305S PWM Mosfet Driver Board
This is a driver card containing F5305S MOSFET, which you can use just like a relay card when you need high current switching in your projects. MOSFET; It is a gate-insulated field-effect transistor. It performs switching and power balancing & adjustment in circuits depending on the need. Apart from these, there are power MOSFETs used in power electronics. These MOSFETs can be used in power supplies, low voltage motor control circuits and DC-DC converters.
They are very suitable for use as switching circuits or drivers, because MOSFETs are known for their switching speeds (fast response time) and power efficiency compared to mechanical relays or transistors. This driver can also be used to adjust the brightness of LED lights or control the motor speed.
Input control voltage: 3.3V - 12V
Output charging voltage: 5 - 36V
Control current: 1-5mA
Maximum current:< /SPAN> 22A, (after 5A cooler should be used)