IRF520 MOSFET Driver Card
This is a driver card containing IRF520 MOSFET that you can use just like a relay card when you need high current switching in your projects. MOSFET; It is a gate-insulated field-effect transistor. It performs switching and power balancing & adjustment in circuits depending on the need. In high frequency electronic circuits, ohmmeter, multimeter, voltmeter etc. In addition to measuring instruments, they are frequently used in high input impedance amplifiers. Apart from these, there are power MOSFETs used in power electronics. These MOSFETs can be used in power supplies, low-voltage motor control circuits and DC-DC converters.
- Thus; Control DC voltages up to 24V, 5A with your Arduino and microcontrollers. You can.
- Power distribution; Arduino etc. You can easily do it in motor drivers, lighting and similar areas in your projects
- You can adjust the PWM output
- It is not suitable for AC circuit control.
- If the output load current is If it is more than 1A, it is necessary to add a cooler to the circuit.