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CNC Shield for Arduino UNO (A4988 compatible)

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Brand: Motorobit
Product Code: ARD.ASH.01.000022
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74.00 TL + VAT
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CNC Shield for Arduino UNO (A4988 compatible) 

A4988 Driver CNC Shield Expansion Board for Arduino, four A4988 stepper motor driver An Arduino shield that controls four stepper motors using the board . The pinout of the board is compatible with the open source CNC control software Grbl. While the pinout makes it possible to use it as an Arduino shield, it can also be controlled with external signals using parallel male headers to drive stepper motors.
Another good feature of the A4988 Driver CNC Shield Expansion Board for Arduino is that it can clone the movement of one of the other two motors. Since there are many CNC or 3D printing systems with dual motors for single axis, this feature makes the board a very good choice for use with these systems.
GRBL is used to control the movements of moving machines and It is free, open-source, high-performance software that will run plainly on an Arduino. CNC shield is compatible with GRBL.
You can view the Grbl wiki page here
Grbl project page and software here
Note: A4988 motor driver is not included in the package.

Technical Specifications

  • CNC Shield compatible with Arduino Uno
  • Control four stepper motors with A4988 stepper drivers
  • One motor can clone one of the other motors
  • GRBL compatible pinout
  • Can be interfaced with other microcontroller systems

Arduino CNC Shield Pinout

Arduino CNC Shield Pinout