Wifi Based Arduino Uno Shield (esp8266)
ESP8266 WiFi Development Board is a more powerful Arduino module with WIFI support. This development platform based on ESP-8266 is compatible with Arduino Uno's pins and can even be used with some shield modules.
Technical Specifications
- Switch mode power supply on board - Max 24V input, 5V 1A output
- ESP-8266EX based
- Arduino compatible, IDE Arduino is used for programming
- 11 pieces I/O pin
- 1 ADC pin (input range 0-3.3V
- OTA wireless upload support
- Parameters: CPU 80 Mhz, 115200 Speed
Arduino UNO Although Wifi and Arduino are similar, there are a few differences between the pin assignments. The above figure provides mapping of pins. In some cases, programs written for UNO may need to be modified slightly for proper pin assignments.
Pin Comparison with