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Wireless NRF905 Transmitter Module (With Antenna)

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Brand: Motorobit
Product Code: KHB.RFM.01.000005
Stokta son 1 ürün
214.50 TL + VAT
VAT Included: 257.40 TL

Wireless NRF905 Transmitter Module (With Antenna)

This wireless module board adapts the high-performance Nordic VLSI NRF905 radio chip. With GFSK, it provides maximum transmission data up to 50Kbps, sensitivity up to -100dBm, high reliability.

It is used in various hobby, robotics, Arduino projects, home automation, industrial systems and remote control systems.



  • Operating voltage: 1.9 ~ 3.6V, (3.3V recommended)
  • Operate in the 433/868/915 MHz band
  • 50kbps maximum operating speed, supports GFSK modulation
  • A lower current consumption (RX in, 12.2mA, 433MHz)
  • Programmable control of output power for all support frequencies up to +10 dBm
  • Standard DIP spacing interfaces for embedded applications
  • Transmission Distance: Actual transmission between 200-300 meters (may depend on the environment and communication baud rate settings, etc.)
  • Module Size: 32mm*19mm (size of non-SMA head and antenna)

Pin Definitions

VCC ---- Power supply.
TXE ---- RF module mode selection.
CE ----Enable RF module to transmit and receive.
PWR ---- Power chip.
CLK ---- Output clock, split crystal oscillator full swing clock.
CD ---- Carrier detects.
AM ---- Address matched.
DR -- -- Prepare and send.
MISO ---- SPI master input slave output.
MOSI ---- SPI mater output slave input.
SCK ---- SPI clock.
CSN ---- SPI enable.
GND ---- Ground
GND ---- Ground
GND ---- Ground


Set different frequency values ​​for different countries. nrf905.write_config (US); Just change the parameter of your country or region in the function.

Country  Band 
USA   908.42Mhz
 Europe  868.42Mhz
 Africa 868.42Mhz 
 China  868.42Mhz
 HK  919.82Mhz
 Japan  853.42Mhz
 Australia  921.42Mhz
 New Zealand  921.42Mhz
 Brazil  921.42Mhz
Russia 896Mhz