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Making XOX Game with Arduino Tic Tac Toe

Making XOX Game with Arduino Tic Tac Toe

Arduino Projects

In this blog post, we will create the XOX Game (Tic Tac Toe) project with Arduino. Let's take a closer look at this application, which is a beginner-level project that can be done with Arduino.

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Making a Smoke Detector with MQ-2 Gas Sensor

Making a Smoke Detector with MQ-2 Gas Sensor

Arduino Projects

Making a Smoke Detector with MQ-2 Gas Sensor. Here are the details of making a smoke detector with Arduino. Required materials, codes and wiring diagram are on motorobit!

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Resistance Meter Making | Measuring Ohms with Arduino, Ohmmeter

Resistance Meter Making | Measuring Ohms with Arduino, Ohmmeter

Arduino Projects

Making a resistance meter with Arduino is here. It is very easy to make your own ohm meter using Arduino! Let's take a look at the necessary steps together.

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Electronic Dice Making | Make Dice Using Arduino and LEDs

Electronic Dice Making | Make Dice Using Arduino and LEDs

Arduino Projects

We will talk about the Electronic Dice Making project, which is a beginner-level Arduino project that anyone can easily do. Let's take a closer look at one of the most fun startup projects.

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How to make a heart rate monitor with Arduino?

How to make a heart rate monitor with Arduino?

Arduino Projects

In this blog post, we will examine how to make a heart rate monitor with Arduino. For this, we will use 3 different modules on our site.

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Temperature Controlled Fan Making | Fan Control Using Arduino and TMP36

Temperature Controlled Fan Making | Fan Control Using Arduino and TMP36

Arduino Projects

What are the materials needed to make a Temperature Controlled Fan? The necessary connection diagram and Arduino codes are here! Fan control using TMP36 and Arduino.

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Making an Electronic Meter Using Distance Sensor with Arduino | HC-SR04

Making an Electronic Meter Using Distance Sensor with Arduino | HC-SR04

Arduino Projects

Making a Digital Meter Using Distance Sensor with Arduino! All the details of measuring distance using HC-SR04 are with you in our blog article.

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Making a Traffic Light (Arduino Projects)

Making a Traffic Light (Arduino Projects)

Arduino Projects

In this blog post, we will continue with a simple but fun project. We will implement the traffic light application with Arduino. The materials we need for this project...

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Using Keypad with Arduino / Smart Lock Project

Using Keypad with Arduino / Smart Lock Project

Arduino Projects

In this blog post, we will explore how to use a keypad matrix with Arduino. We will cover topics such as how to connect a keypad to Arduino, how it works, usage with a 2x16 LCD screen, and finally, creating a smart lock project using a 5V relay.

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Arduino Uno R3

Arduino Uno R3

Arduino Projects

Learn how to use Arduino Uno R3, one of the most popular open-source programmable circuit boards, for various hardware projects.

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Buzz Wire Game With Arduino

Buzz Wire Game With Arduino

Arduino Projects

In this fun project, we will learn how to make a Buzz Wire game with Arduino.

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Controlling LED with Potentiometer in Arduino

Controlling LED with Potentiometer in Arduino

Arduino Projects

Learn how to control an LED using a potentiometer in Arduino boards used for inter-machine communication and various controls in robots, machines, and various devices.

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Arduino Sequential LED Blinking Project

Arduino Sequential LED Blinking Project

Arduino Projects

Learn how to create a sequential LED blinking project using Arduino, suitable for beginners. Find the required materials, connection diagram, and code for the project.

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How to Program Arduino? How to Use Arduino?

How to Program Arduino? How to Use Arduino?

Arduino Projects

Learn how to program Arduino and use it effectively. Discover how to connect Arduino to your computer, upload software, and add libraries for various components.

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What is Arduino? What Can You Do with Arduino?

What is Arduino? What Can You Do with Arduino?

Arduino Projects

Discover what Arduino is and what you can do with it. Learn about the different types of Arduino boards and their uses. Find out how to program Arduino and explore the endless possibilities of electronic projects with this versatile development platform.

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Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Robot

Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Robot

Arduino Projects

Instructions and code for building an obstacle avoiding robot using Arduino Uno and HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor.

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Making a Bluetooth Controlled Vehicle with Arduino

Making a Bluetooth Controlled Vehicle with Arduino

Arduino Projects

In this blog post, we will talk about how to make a Bluetooth controlled vehicle with Arduino, what are the required materials and what software should be used.

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